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Sunday, March 25, 2007

It pays to be mean

245: Allure of the Mean Friend

What is it about them, our mean friends (or the people we just wish we were friends with)? They treat us badly, they don't call us back, they cancel plans at the last minute, and yet we come back for more. Popular bullies exist in business, politics, everywhere. How do they stay so popular?

A friend recently turned me onto This American Life, I know it's such a predictable 'hipster' thing to be listening to but I figure you can't put a tag on good listening.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bang Bang

Lilly Allen (ok she's been rocking the look for a while as well), Naomi Campbell, Nicole Richie, Liv Tyler, Halle Berry.... the list keeps growing! Why do these bitches feel the need to go and jack my hair style?! (i keed, i keed- well sort of) All I need now is for an Olsen, Lohan and Sienna Miller to get on the bang-wagon... aw hell.
I blame Irina, she reminded everyone how good a fringe can look. Incidentally, I'm excited to see how they style her for the upcoming Kate Moss/Top shop adds. It's good to see that Kate remains loyal to her (and Pete's) friends. Let's see if (or how) that extended to the record IK has reportedly been recording.

Tea the way Big Brother liked it

George Orwell was a wellknown tea enthusiast,
below are his 11 rules to drinking tea.

1. Use tea from India or Ceylon (Sri Lanka), not China
2. Use a teapot, preferably ceramic
3. Warm the pot over direct heat
4. Tea should be strong - six spoons of leaves per 1 litre
5. Let the leaves move around the pot - no bags or strainers
6. Take the pot to the boiling kettle
7. Stir or shake the pot
8. Drink out of a tall, mug-shaped tea cup
9. Don't add creamy milk
10. Add milk to the tea, not vice versa
11. No sugar!

Panic Averted!

It was a close call this week. I was almost in full fledged panic mode about my impending move but the craziness has been diverted and so now I can concentrate on other things.

Although I have been on a shopping ban as of late I have been eyeing a pair a gold or metllaic-ish sandals for the summer. I'm looking for a nice summer shoe, not to formal but can be dresed up and a slight heel. (i've added a pair of silve stella for addidas just because I get distracted)

Thursday, March 08, 2007



I promise that i will no longer subject you to any more vacation photos.

Pictures like crazy

This is a massive picture post, the highlight reel of my vacation pictures.
I'm trying to upload the better part of the 90+ photos i took onto my photobucket account.
I'll post the link (although I'm sure it's somehwere in one of the backitems) in a bit, then I can start posting all those myspace comments. By the way, I'm trying to choose between myspace and facebook, which is better and why?

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Well after all that sunshine I knew it was coming. Last night Halifax took all my complaints about Toronto weather, bent them over and spanked them. The last two nights can be summed up in one word, Terrible, Thursday for that horrible movie I had the unfortunate priveldge of watching and Friday for the weather.
However, I cannot complain about the company. I don't really want to leave Halifax, how could I not be having a great time?! Good food, great company and some the best antiques and dollar stores ever!
This morning it was beautiful, a sloppy, slushy mess but positively balmy. We went to the farmer's market and picked up some fresh digby scallops for lunch.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Before the storm

Went for some of the BEST antique shopping ever today in the North end of Hali. Took some great pictures and lots of photos of antique furniture for Elfred. Here are a few tasters. Tonight is African dance class (with a whole lot of hippies im told) and then lobster!

This house is the exact same colour as the new 'cleavage' or buttondown shirt I just got from AA.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Lael's handbag and belt. I love the belt detailing! (cowboy Gmamers to come)